First jump packer
- Prime in white
- Base shoulder lining with Rich Gold
- Paint black parts in mix of Abaddon Black 1:2 Macragge Blue
- Lowest highlight with (GM) Warm Purple, then add some White for medium highlight, then repeat for highest highlight
- Glaze model with Purple Tone
- Paint white sections wite White , then wash with Strong Tone watered down
- Paint leather with Bugman's Glow with a little Mephiston Red , highlight with (GM) Dyrad Brown, highest highlight with (GM) Dyrad Brown and some White
- Paint red with Mephiston Red , lowest highlight with Fire Dragon Bright , medium with Fire Dragon Bright and White , highest repeated with more white
- Paint metallics with Leadbelcher then glaze red + metallics with Dark Red Tone
- Add some Dried Blood to ends of chains