I’m not a fan of armies painted in one primary base colour, and Farsight being a dark primary red just felt uncomfortable. So I went around looking for inspiration, and found Mohammad Z. Mukhtar‘s ( “Dusk Strike Breacher Team” mock-up (pictured). I loved the balance of red and dark greys, so spent some time experimenting to find the recipe. The bellow is what I’ve arrived at.
- Prime with Chaos Black
- REDS: base Khorne Red , shade Nuln Oil , edge highlight Wazdakka Red and Squig Orange
- BLUE-BLACKS: base Corvus Black , shade Nuln Oil , edge highlight Dark Reaper and Thunderhawk Blue
- GREYS: base Eshin Grey , shade Nuln Oil , edge highlight Mechanicus Standard Grey
- YELLOWS: base XV-88 , shade Agrax Earthshade , edge highlight Balor Brown and Averland Sunset
- GOLDS: base Retributor Armour , shade Agrax Earthshade , edge highlight 50/50 Retributor Armour / Runefang Steel
- WHITE DETAILS: base Grey Seer , edge highlight White Scar
- RUST: Rhinox Hide and Leadbelcher
- LENSES: base Thousand Sons Blue , shade Drakenhof Nightshade , glow Temple Guard Blue and point highlight White Scar
- METAL: joints, gun muzzles, jet exhausts, base Leadbelcher , shade Nuln Oil , edge highlight Runefang Steel
- T’AU FLESH: Base The Fang , shade Nuln Oil and Drakenhof Nightshade around feature recesses, layer and edge highlight Russ Grey and Fenrisian Grey (the latter on skin only, not nails)
- RAISED STONES Dawnstone , shade Nuln Oil , dry brush Dawnstone and Longbeard Grey
- GROUND: base Astrogranite , shade Nuln Oil , dry brush Dawnstone and Longbeard Grey
- MODEL: Dry brush lower parts of the model with Dawnstone to simulate dust
- GRASS: dry yellow tufts
Novice mini painter, but loving it.