Maggotkin of Nurgle Faction Terrain
- Assemble the tree and the base, but leave as separate subassemblies
- Prime both pieces with Black Brown
Base Coating - Tree (All with Airbrush)
- Basecoat from the bottom up with Mahogany , leaving the midtone and highlight areas as bare primer
- Basecoat the midtones on the tree with Burnt Sienna , steering clear of the flowers on the front of the tree
- Base the highlight of the tree with a 2:1 mix of Bright Yellow Ochre and Khaki , focusing on the ends of the branches and sketching in where your final highlights will fall. Avoid the flowers on the front of the tree.
- Decide which direction the light will hit the flowers from, and base the underside of the flowers with Foul Green
- Add a highlight base coat to each flower from the direction of the light with Yellow Green (70.954)
- Apply an all-over wash ONLY ON THE TREE of a 2:1 Flesh Wash and Black Wash , focusing on adding depth to folds in the ground and around the base of the tree, avoiding the flowers
- From the underside of the flowers, apply Poxwalker shade over the Foul Green sections of each flower. Add a small line of Poxwalker around the entire rim of the flower, outlining the highlighted area but avoiding direct application there
- Apply Mortarion Grime to the highlighted Yellow Green (70.954) sections of the flower
Base Coating - Base (All with Airbrush)
- Base all of the ground area with a 2:1 mix of Mahogany and Dark Green Brown .
- Around the edge of the base, draw a heavy midtone with the same 2:1 mix of Bright Yellow Ochre and Khaki from above, drawing lines up into the ground above the edges of the base and blending into the brown basecoat
- Add a final highlight basecoat of Bright Yellow Ochre on the highlights of the ground area
- Apply an all-over wash of a 2:1 Flesh Wash and Black Wash , focusing on adding depth to folds in the ground and around the base of the tree