- Prime in white
Painting the Skin
- Apply Kroak Green to the whole of the model
- Apply a 50:50 mix of Gryph-charger Grey and Contrast Medium
- Highlight all of the raised areas of the skin in TTC Zombie Rot
- Continue to hightlight the skin up to TTC Pestilance Green
- Edge highlight the most with TTC Twin Sun Yellow
Painting the Back
- Using an airbrush apply a layer of Occultist Cloak to the back of the model
- Apply a wash of Nuln Oil all over the back to pick out the shadows
- Highlight the raised areas of the back with Dark Rubber
- Continue to highlight the back with Phoenician Purple
- Edge Highlight the highest areas of the back and edges with Kakophoni Purple
- Basecoat the bone areas with Pale Sand
- Wash all the bone areas with Pallid Bone
- Highlight again with Pale Sand
- Continue to hightlight with Ivory
- Edge highlight with White
- Basecoat with Corvus Black
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