Personally I build the entire model, do the basing, and then prime the entire thing by brush using Black . Order is not super important, but there is some time to be saved by washing both the fatigues and the flak at the same time.
- Basecoat Zandri Dust
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade / Lahmian Medium 50/50 mix
- Reapply Zandri Dust avoiding recesses
- Highlight with Ushabti Bone
- Highlight with Screaming Skull (optional)
Flak armor
- Basecoat Vulkan Green
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade / Lahmian Medium 50/50 mix
- Reapply Vulkan Green , avoiding recesses
- Chunky highlight Loren Forest
- Fine highlight Krieg Khaki
Flak camo pattern
- Paint triangular shapes with Skrag Brown
- Paint shapes' edges with Karak Stone
- Fine highlight with mix of Karak Stone and Skrag Brown
Weapon casing
- Basecoat Nocturne Green
- Chunky highlight Death Korps Drab
- Fine highlight Nurgling Green
Eye lenses
- Basecoat Thousand Sons Blue , leave top still black
- Chunky highlight Temple Guard Blue
- Fine highlight Baharroth Blue
- Dot corners with White Scar
Black leather
- Basecoat Abaddon Black
- Chunky highlight Eshin Grey
- Fine highlight Mechanicus Standard Grey
Black casing (scopes etc.)
- Basecoat Abaddon Black
- Chunky highlight Dark Reaper
- Fine highlight Dawnstone
- Basecoat Leadbelcher
- Wash Nuln Oil
- Highlight Ironbreaker
Recommended order
- Paint faces or lenses
- Base fatigues
- Base flak
- Base black
- Paint camo pattern
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade / Lahmian Medium mix
- Base metallics
- Wash metallics Nuln Oil
- Highlight metallics
- Highlight flak/weapon
- Highlight fatigues
- Highlight black/leather
- Paint small details (lamps, scopes)
Bonus: Basing
- Apply small rocks, sand + PVA
- Prime black
- Paint Dryad Bark , add spots of Mournfang Brown while still wet
- Drybrush Karak Stone
- Drybrush light Screaming Skull
- Rocks: Dawnstone Nuln Oil Administratum Grey Corax White
- Add static grass of your choice
- Rim: Corvus Black
I paint kill teams, supercharge my plasmas, and fail my hot rolls. Iām usually a loyalist but I occasionally do some heresy š.