How I painted my copy of the official 'Saboteur' model for the new game 1490 Doom.
Black Leather
- Basecoat with Black .
- Apply general highlights of Stegadon Scale Green .
- Fine edge highlight everything, using Thunderhawk Blue .
- Selectively highlight corners and curves with Fenrisian Grey .
- Mix some White into your Fenrisian Grey then add a few specular highlights to corners.
- Basecoat with Khorne Red .
- Paint the majority of the visor with Evil Sunz Scarlet , leaving a little uncovered at the top and bottom, and roughly a quarter on each side. This is best applied as a couple of thin glazes, pulling your brush towards the centre.
- Repeat a few times, mixing Ice Yellow into the Evil Sunz Scarlet . I covered roughly half, then increased the amount again, covering roughly a quarter.
- Finish with a small highlight of pure Ice Yellow in the centre.
Black Armour and Cloth
- Basecoat with Black .
- Now with Eshin Grey , apply a chunky highlight down the most exposed parts, covering less area that the previous stage.
- Add fine highlights using Dawnstone .
- Selectively highlight with Administratum Grey .
- Add a little White to the Administratum Grey and add a couple of specular highlights, where needed.
Arm Bindings
- Basecoat with Steel Legion Drab .
- Shade between the wrapping with thinned Rhinox Hide and a thin brush.
- Glaze raised areas with Karak Stone , dragging your brush upwards.
- Edge highlight wrappings with Ushabti Bone .
- More selectively highlight with Screaming Skull .
- Mix some :white into your Screaming Skull and highlight a little smaller.
- Basecoat with Cadian Fleshtone .
- Wash with 2:1 Reikland Fleshshade and Contrast Medium .
- Selectively highlight with Kislev Flesh .
- Finish with specular highlights of Pallid Wych Flesh .
Dirty Steel
- Basecoat with Leadbelcher .
- Wash with Basilicanum Grey .
- Wash again, but with Agrax Earthshade this time.
- Re-establish the basecoat with a drybrush of :Citadel/Leadbelcher.
- Add rust into recesses, with a generous shade of thin Skrag Brown .
- Enhance this in a few places with thin Balor Brown .Mix some Silver RLM01 Metallic into your Leadbelcher and pick out hard edges.
- With pure Silver RLM01 Metallic , edge highlight the tip and place a few specular highlights on corners.
Dark Brown Leather
- Basecoat with Rhinox Hide .
- Take some thinned Mournfang Brown and apply a heavy glaze over the tube. Work in rough lines, always pulling your brush towards the apex of the tube.
- Now with Skrag Brown , apply a chunky highlight down the most exposed part of the tube, covering less area that the previous stage.
- Mix 1:1 Skrag Brown and Ushabti Bone and repeat the above, but make it a finer highlight.
- Selectively highlight with Ushabti Bone .
- Add a little White to the Ushabti Bone and add a couple of specular highlights, where needed.
- Basecoat with Steel Legion Drab .
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade .
- Edge highlight/overbrush with Baneblade Brown .
- More selectively edge highlight with Karak Stone .
- Finish with small highlights of Karak Stone and White .
- Basecoat with Leadbelcher .
- Wash with Nuln Oil .
- Glaze some Agrax Earthshade where you want metal to look dirtier.
- Highlight with some Ironbreaker .
- With pure Silver RLM01 Metallic , edge highlight the tip and place a few specular highlights on corners.
- Basecoat with Antique Gold or whatever brass/bronze paint you prefer.
- Wash with Agrax Earthshade .
- Add some Silver RLM01 Metallic to your basecoat, then edge highlight.
- Finish with a few very small Silver RLM01 Metallic highlights.
Grey Cloth
- Basecoat with Stormvermin Fur .
- Wash with Nuln Oil .
- Edge highlight with a 1:1 mix of Stormvermin Fur and Administratum Grey .
- Finish with selective highlights of Administratum Grey and a little White .
Aspiring miniature painter and biscuit enthusiast. Here to share my hobby and help where I can.