- Spray Corax White or other white primer.
- Iyanden Yellow over entire mini, bar the wing membranes.
- Inner flesh use Sigvald Burgundy
- Tint some armour/antenna with Targor Rageshade (tbh wouldn't do this again next time)
- Use Matt White or equiv. to tidy up the claws, mandibles and wing membranes.
- Black Templar on the claws/mandibles, and thinned Briar Queen Chill on the wing membranes.
- Basecoat weapons in Black Legion
- Basecoat armour panels in Death Guard Green and some select panels with Incubi Darkness
- Highlight black parts with Thunderhawk Blue , and green parts with Ogryn Camo
- Basecoat weapon parts with varying Decayed Metal and Black Metal
- Dot eyes Striking Scorpion Green
- For bases I used Vallejo Dark Earth Diorama texture paint, then sprinkled some 'Woodlands' scatter from Rival Crafts.
- Thinned modpodge to seal base
- Sponge Black Legion on carapace to create pattern
- Cover bases in Black Legion , then drybrush Rhinox Hide , stipple some Castellan Green patches on, and drybrush with Baneblade Brown . Drybrush any rocks/ruins with Mechanicus Standard Grey .
- Dab on some GSW Earth Pigments (Umber and Wild Moss), then use alcohol to seal.
- Rim in Corvus Black
- Never paint vespids again
Castellan Green
Corvus Black
Death Guard Green
Incubi Darkness
Mechanicus Standard Grey
Rhinox Hide
Baneblade Brown
Ogryn Camo
Thunderhawk Blue
Black Legion
Black Templar
Briar Queen Chill
Iyanden Yellow
Sigvald Burgundy
Striking Scorpion Green
Metal n' Alchemy
Black Metal
Decayed Metal
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