- prime with Wraithbone except the backpack this one with Mechanicus Standard Grey
- basecoat the armor with Warp Lightning
- use Warpstone Glow to smooth out the contrast paint, especially the flat surfaces
- Abaddon Black as basecoat for the shoulderplate, the backpack and the casing for the weapon
- correct misstakes on the armor with a new coat of Wraithbone and Warp Lightning
- add the other basecoats Corvus Black for the belt, pouches and the joints
- Leadbelcher for the metal details (Bolter, Vox Intercom)
- Corax White for the emblem on the shoulder
- wash everything with Nuln Oil
- Retributor Armour for the gold emblem on the breast, wash it with Reikland Fleshshade
- use Corax White for the emblem to brighten it up after the wash
- edgelight highlight the armor with Moot Green
- on the lightest areas use Ushabti Bone for the armor
- highlight the other colours with Stormhost Silver Mechanicus Standard Grey Administratum Grey and White Scar
- basecoat with Skavenblight Dinge
- wash with Nuln Oil
- highlight with Stormvermin Fur and Karak Stone
- paint the eyes with Wild Rider Red