Black Templars - "Not so" speed painting

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  • Published
    22 Oct 2021
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  1. Spray with Chaos Black , then base color with Abaddon Black and zenithal drybrush with Necromancer Cloak .
  2. Lining on the borders. All borders with Deep Blue , then the top zenithal borders with Ultramarine Blue . One third of these lengths with Wolf Grey and the final touch with Electric Blue .
  3. Apply Corax White on shoulder pads. Then apply a mixture of 1 part of Skeleton Horde with 3 parts of water focused on the recessed parts. Move the excess paint from the center to the edge of the pad.

Red weapons and pauldron borders

  1. Mephiston Red , Agrax Earthshade , then Pure Red for colored parts. You can add Lava Orange on the top borders of the pauldron for more constrast.

Weapon handles

  1. The base is Khorne Red covered with Crusted Sore . Add a Nuln Oil wash, mainly in recessed parts. For the edges, apply Vampire Red , then Tanned Flesh .


  1. Paint Gun Metal and Nuln Oil everywhere (joints of the armor, weapon).
  2. Edge with Shining Silver on every metallic parts (except the joints on the armor).


  1. The base color is Retributor Armour , then a Bright Gold layer is applied. Add a heavy Agrax Earthshade wash, followed with Shining Silver on the external parts of the feathers.


  1. Paint a Mournfang Brown base, apply a Agrax Earthshade wash, some Leather Brown layer and Monster Brown edge.


"When 90% of the work is done, 90% of the work remains to be done."

  1. The scrolls are with Zandri Dust , then Skeleton Bone . Add a wash of Agrax Earthshade , and highlights with Skeleton Bone , then Brainmatter Beige .
  2. The writings are in Oak Brown with a small amount of Matt Black .
  3. The wax with Screamer Pink , Agrax Earthshade and Mutant Hue .
  4. The base of the lens with Corax White , then Mephiston Red . A bottom line with Pure Red , the internal part of this line with Lava Orange and the internal corner with Daemonic Yellow . A Matt White dot in the external corner of the lens.
  5. The visors on the guns are painted with Caledor Sky . The bottom part with Crystal Blue , the bottom line with Electric Blue and the corner with Voidshield Blue . Add a Matt White dot in the external corner of the visor.


  1. For the skin, apply a base of Tanned Flesh , a wash of Flesh Wash , a layer of Barbarian Flesh , and an edge of Elven Flesh
  2. The scar is covered of a mixture of 1 part of Flesh Wash with 1 part of Purple Tone .
  3. For blond hair, start with Zandri Dust , then Soft Tone , with Banshee Brown lining or drybrushing.


Her is a tip about the Black Templars' crosses: you can cut between the empty spaces of the symbols. It will help to smooth the decals on the surface of the shoulders.

  1. Apply the Decal Fixer on the surface.
  2. Apply the decal.
  3. Add a layer of Decal Softener. With the previous cuts in the empty spaces, il will be easy to get smooth.
  4. Apply a new layer of Decal Fixer.
  5. Apply a layer of Lahmian Medium to render matt the decal.


  1. Apply a layer of Gryph-hound Orange , then a diluate layer of Basilisk Brown to simulate the dust in the recessed parts on the boots.


  1. Apply Armageddon Dunes for the texture, then a layer of Gryph-hound Orange . Finish with a Basilisk Brown drybrush and a final Phoenix Flames light drybrush. The border of the base is painted with Dryad Bark .
Citadel Painting System 17
Base 10
  • Abaddon Black
  • Caledor Sky
  • Corax White
  • Dryad Bark
  • Khorne Red
  • Mephiston Red
  • Mournfang Brown
  • Retributor Armour
  • Screamer Pink
  • Zandri Dust
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Nuln Oil
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Texture 1
  • Armageddon Dunes
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
Contrast 2
  • Gryph-hound Orange
  • Skeleton Horde
The Army Painter Warpaints 32
Acrylic 26
  • Banshee Brown
  • Barbarian Flesh
  • Basilisk Brown
  • Brainmatter Beige
  • Crusted Sore
  • Crystal Blue
  • Daemonic Yellow
  • Deep Blue
  • Electric Blue
  • Elven Flesh
  • Lava Orange
  • Leather Brown
  • Matt Black
  • Matt White
  • Monster Brown
  • Mutant Hue
  • Necromancer Cloak
  • Oak Brown
  • Phoenix Flames
  • Pure Red
  • Skeleton Bone
  • Tanned Flesh
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Vampire Red
  • Voidshield Blue
  • Wolf Grey
Metallic 3
  • Bright Gold
  • Gun Metal
  • Shining Silver
Wash 3
  • Flesh Wash
  • Purple Tone
  • Soft Tone
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