Goliath Truck

Goliath Truck

  • Written by
  • Published
    27 Nov 2021
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  1. Prepare in sub assemblies, leave the wheels, stubber, autocannons, railings, fuel tank and exhaust seperate.

    I also had a converted searchlight which I also left seperate and which is interchangeable with the autocannons.
  2. Prime with Grey , prime seperate parts that are gonna be metallic with Gunmetal

Main Truck Body

  1. Basecoat with Celestra Grey
  2. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  3. Drybrush with Celestra Grey
  4. Sponge on battle damage with Charred Brown and Cold Steel


  1. Basecoat with Corax White
  2. Wash with Seraphim Sepia
  3. Apply gloss varnish

Metal (railings, rollgates, diamond plate floors etc.)

  1. Basecoat with Gunmetal Metallic
  2. Wash with Agrax Earthshade and some spots of Seraphim Sepia
  3. Highlight or drybrush depending on area with Gunmetal Metallic
  4. Paint any fabric parts on the railings with Khorne Red , wash with Agrax Earthshade and highligh with Khorne Red

Fuel Tank

  1. Basecoat with Corax White
  2. Apply a generous coat of Iyanden Yellow
  3. Drybrush with Yriel Yellow
  4. Basecoat banding with Heavy Charcoal
  5. Basecoat tank cap with Gunmetal
  6. Wash banding and cap with Agrax Earthshade
  7. Sponge on battle damage with Charred Brown and Cold Steel


  1. Basecoat with Incubi Darkness
  2. Basecoat the inner part of the wheels with Gunmetal Metallic
  3. Wash with Agrax Earthshade
  4. Heavly thin down Leather Brown and wash the tires with it, once it's dry add a little black to the mix and wash it again, but a smaller area
  5. Also apply this mix to the wheel housings on the truck
  6. Drybrush with Bone White

Heavy Stubber

  1. Basecoat wash and highlight like other metals
  2. Apply Black Templar to the conduits
  3. Basecoat ammo box with Heavy Grey and wash with Agrax Earthshade
  4. Basecoat the leneses with Corax White
  5. Apply Light Tone to the lamp and Warpstone Glow to the targeting lense
  6. Apply gloss varnish to these lenses


  1. Basecoat wash and highlight like other metals
  2. Apply Copper Metallic to the heatsink also wash with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Drybrush Charred Brown followed by Thamar Black on to the upper end of the exhaust

Hazard Plates

  1. Basecoat with Corax White
  2. Apply stripes at about 45° with Thamar Black
  3. Sponge on some Corax White on to the black stripes
  4. Apply Iyanden Yellow to the whole thing
  5. Sponge on battle damage with Charred Brown and Cold Steel

Headlights, Taillights and cagelights

  1. Basecoat all with Corax White
  2. Paint in the bars on the cage light with Thamar Black
  3. Apply Light Tone
  4. Apply Agrax Earthshade Gloss to the cagelights
  5. Drybrush the cagelights with Bone White
  6. Apply gloss varnish


  1. Basecoat Corax White
  2. Apply Blood Angels Red
  3. Highlight with Wild Rider Red
  4. Apply gloss varnish


  1. Basecoat wash and highlight like other metals
  2. Basecoat lamp with Corax White
  3. Apply Iyanden Yellow
  4. Apply a second layer of Iyanden Yellow on the lower part of the lamp
  5. Thin down Yriel Yellow and apply it to the top part of the lamp
  6. Apply gloss varnish to the lamp
Citadel Painting System 13
Base 4
  • Celestra Grey
  • Corax White
  • Incubi Darkness
  • Khorne Red
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Agrax Earthshade Gloss
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 3
  • Warpstone Glow
  • Wild Rider Red
  • Yriel Yellow
Contrast 3
  • Black Templar
  • Blood Angels Red
  • Iyanden Yellow
Formula P3 2
Layer 1
  • Thamar Black
Metallic 1
  • Cold Steel
The Army Painter Warpaints
Wash 1
  • Light Tone
Vallejo Game Air
Base 1
  • 72.754 Gunmetal
Vallejo Game Color 4
Base 2
  • 72.034 Bone White
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
Extra opaque 2
  • 72.145 Heavy Grey
  • 72.155 Heavy Charcoal
Vallejo Hobby Spray Paint
Base 2
  • 28.011 Grey
  • 28.031 Gunmetal
Vallejo Model Air
Base 2
  • 71.068 Copper Metallic
  • 71.072 Gunmetal Metallic
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.871 Leather Brown
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