

  • Written by
  • Published
    10 Jul 2022
  • Updated
    11 Jul 2022
  • Shareable URL

Some sharks


  1. Zenithal highlights: start by Zenithal Highlighting to show the highlights and shadows of my model clearly.


  1. Shadows: Space Wolves Grey over the entire miniature Highlights: Sky Blue with the airbrush from the top to create the highlights.
  2. Shadows and Highlights: I airbrush Drakenhof Nightshade and then drybrush Sky Blue to re-add highlights.

Gold plates

  1. Using Glorious Gold i basecoat the gold plates, then use Nuln Oil to add shadows to the recesses and finally drybrush with Glorious Gold mixed with White


  1. Basecoat Wood Grain , then stippel and scratch on Heavy Brown followed by 1:1 :VallejoGameColor/HeavyBro row: German Camouflage Beige WWII , then add a shade of Reikland Fleshshade to finish it off.

Starred by Parahna



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Citadel Painting System 4
Shade 3
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Contrast 1
  • Space Wolves Grey
Vallejo Game Color 2
Base 1
  • 72.056 Glorious Gold
Extra opaque 1
  • 72.153 Heavy Brown
Vallejo Model Color 4
Base 3
  • 70.821 German Camouflage Beige WWII
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.961 Sky Blue
Transparent 1
  • 70.828 Wood Grain
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