Scheme inspired by the classic Doom marine.
- Prime with Vallejo grey primer
- Basecoat suit with Khaki
- Basecoat chest armour, boots and gloves with Intermediate Green
- Basecoat helmet with Heavy Bluegrey
- Basecoat weapons, soft parts of the boots, gloves and joints with Rubber Black
- Basecoat hoses and conduits with Cold Grey
- Basecoat skirt piping and arm badge with Screamer Pink
- Basecoat imperial navy icons and aquilas with Aluminum Metallic
Basecoat the oxygen tank, mechanical parts of the weapon with Gunmetal Metallic - Stipple on some battle damage on to the hard armour with Dark Rust followed by Steel Metallic
- Wash the suit and it's details with Seraphim Sepia
- Wash everything else with Agrax Earthshade
- Highlight back up with the original colours
- Basecoat the helmet visor and the oxygen tank gauge with Corax White basecoat the pointer of the gauge with Rubber Black
- Paint a line on to the arm badge with Corax White
- Apply multiple layers of Pylar Glacier to the visor
- After a matt varnish apply some gloss varnish to the visor
- Rip and tear, until it is done