LOTR / Elf warrior of the last alliance (red cloak)

  • Written by
  • Published
    05 Feb 2023
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  1. Prime with Retributor Armour


  1. Basecoat with Barbarian Brawn
  2. Wash with 50/50 Flesh Wash and Lahmian Medium
  3. Layer with Dwarven Skin
  4. Highlight with Elven Skin
  5. Optional: Use any Black for eyesockets and any white White for two dots per eye

Scale mail, plate- and scale mail, sword hilt

  1. Basecoat with Gold Metallic
  2. Wash with 25/25/50 Flesh Wash , Necrosis Green Wash and Lahmian Medium
  3. Drybrush with Glistening Gold .

Chainmail and sword blade

  1. Basecoat with Leadbelcher
  2. Wash with 50/50 Nuln Oil : Lahmian Medium
  3. Drybrush chainmail with Plate Armour
  4. Edge highlight the blade with Plate Armour

Boots and gloves

  1. Basecoat with Leather Brown .
  2. Layer with 50/50 Leather Brown and Mahogany Brown
  3. Wash with 50/50 Agrax Earthshade Lahmian Medium
  4. Highlight with Mahogany Brown

Weapon haft

  1. Basecoat with Boar Hide
  2. Freehand banding with Fur Cloak

Cloak (test)

  1. Basecoat with 50/50 Mephiston Red and Carmine Red
  2. Layer with 25/75 Mephiston Red Carmine Red
  3. Wash with 50/50 Carroburg Crimson Lahmian Medium
  4. Layer with 50/50 Carmine Red and Scarlet
  5. Highlight with Scarlet


  1. This uses AK11382 British Desert Pink as a base. Since that is not available here, it can probably be replaced with 50/50 mix of Fire Dragon Bright and Lugganath Orange .
  2. Wash with 50/50 Carroburg Crimson and Lahmian Medium .
  3. Highlight with 50/50 Light Flesh Scarlet
Citadel Painting System 9
Base 2
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
Shade 3
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Carroburg Crimson
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 2
  • Fire Dragon Bright
  • Lugganath Orange
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Spray 1
  • Retributor Armour
Two Thin Coats 9
Shade 1
  • Barbarian Brawn
Midtone 3
  • Boar Hide
  • Dwarven Skin
  • Plate Armour
Highlight 3
  • Elven Skin
  • Fur Cloak
  • Glistening Gold
Wash 2
  • Flesh Wash
  • Necrosis Green Wash
Vallejo Model Air
Base 1
  • 71.066 Gold Metallic
Vallejo Model Color
Base 7
  • 70.817 Scarlet
  • 70.846 Mahogany Brown
  • 70.871 Leather Brown
  • 70.908 Carmine Red
  • 70.928 Light Flesh
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
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