- Wimple Screaming Skull
- Face Bugman's Glow
- Belt 2:1 Mechanicus Standard Grey Abaddon Black
- Tunic The Fang
- Armor 1:1 Abaddon Black Leadbelcher
- Sword grip Celestra Grey
- Handguard Retributor Armour
- Sword 1:3:1 Abaddon Black Leadbelcher Stegadon Scale Green
- Shade
- Wimple 1:1:2 Nuln Oil Agrax Earthshade Lahmian Medium
- Face Reikland Fleshshade with a bit of Drakenhof Nightshade
- for the rest, except the blades Nuln Oil
- Highlights
- face Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Pale Sand
- Wimple Screaming Skull then Ivory
- Tunic The Fang then add Ivory
- Highlight belt Dawnstone
- Armor 2:1 Stormhost Silver Karak Stone
- Glaze in darker areas 1:1 German Grey Macragge Blue
- edge hightlight 2:1 Stormhost Silver Karak Stone
- mouth area3:1 Reikland Fleshshade Carroburg Crimson
- eyes(2white dots on each eye) +teeth Ivory
- blood effects on blade