Zombicide Black Plague: Ann

  • Written by
  • Published
    13 Aug 2023
  • Updated
    19 Aug 2023
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  1. Wimple Screaming Skull
  2. Face Bugman's Glow
  3. Belt 2:1 Mechanicus Standard Grey Abaddon Black
  4. Tunic The Fang
  5. Armor 1:1 Abaddon Black Leadbelcher
  6. Sword grip Celestra Grey
  7. Handguard Retributor Armour
  8. Sword 1:3:1 Abaddon Black Leadbelcher Stegadon Scale Green
  9. Shade
  10. Wimple 1:1:2 Nuln Oil Agrax Earthshade Lahmian Medium
  11. Face Reikland Fleshshade with a bit of Drakenhof Nightshade
  12. for the rest, except the blades Nuln Oil
  13. Highlights
  14. face Cadian Fleshtone Kislev Flesh Pale Sand
  15. Wimple Screaming Skull then Ivory
  16. Tunic The Fang then add Ivory
  17. Highlight belt Dawnstone
  18. Armor 2:1 Stormhost Silver Karak Stone
  19. BLADES
  20. Glaze in darker areas 1:1 German Grey Macragge Blue
  21. edge hightlight 2:1 Stormhost Silver Karak Stone
  22. mouth area3:1 Reikland Fleshshade Carroburg Crimson
  23. eyes(2white dots on each eye) +teeth Ivory
  24. blood effects on blade