Adepta sororitas

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  • Published
    27 Aug 2023
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Bone armour

  1. Over a zenithal highlight, rough basecoat over armour and gloves with Reddish Grey
  2. While the previous paint is wet, wet-blend a rough highlight of Vampiric Flesh
  3. While the paint is wet, wet-blend a rough highlight with Dark Ivory
  4. Be sure to wet-blend each layer into the previous colours while they are still wet, cleaning your brush only on paper towel - no rinsing is required.

Red robes and lenses

  1. Basecoat entirety of robe with Dark Plum
  2. Wet blend a layer of Burnt Red into the previous step
  3. Add a wet blend highlight of Bold Pyrrole Red into the previous step - reducing the highlight area to the most pronounced edges

Black details (weapons, leather straps)

  1. Basecoat with Coal Black
  2. Apply a wet-blend highlight of 1:1 Coal Black and Dark Ivory
  3. Edge highlight with a 1:2 mix of Coal Black and Dark Ivory

Gold details

  1. Basecoat with Necro Gold

Silver details

  1. Basecoat with Gun Metal

All-over oil wash

  1. Wash entire mini with burnt umber oil paint, varying the concentration of oils between a paint and thin wash
  2. Once applied, allow to stand for 5 minutes before starting to remove and blend paint into shadows
  3. Use thinners if required to blend out wash on raised surfaces
AK Interactive 3rd Generation Acrylics 4
Standard 3
  • AK11017 Reddish Grey
  • AK11057 Vampiric Flesh
  • AK11097 Burnt Red
Metallic 1
  • AK11212 Gun Metal
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 4
Base 2
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 003 Bold Pyrrole Red
Signature Series: Ninjon 2
  • S07 Dark Ivory
  • S11 Dark Plum
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 1
  • SC-71 Necro Gold
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