Ogor Mawtribes

  • Written by
  • Published
    28 Aug 2023
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Ogre skin

  1. Following priming, paint entirety of the model with Molotow Purple Violet, applied through an airbrush
  2. Using an airbrush, build up zenithal highlights on skin using a mix of Molotow Purple Violet and Daler Rowney Flesh Tint Ink
  3. Continue to build up highlights to pure Flesh Tint on most pronounced details (shoulders, top of head etc)
  4. Once fully dry, apply an oil wash of Windsor and Newton Quinacridone Magenta
  5. Allow to sit for five-ten minutes then use make up sponges and brushes to remove the oil paint from raised surfaces - leaving it in the recesses.

Oxidised metal

  1. Using a brown Contrast paint like Wyldwood or Garaghak's Sewer , paint the entirety of the wood and metal elements on the miniature
  2. Once dry, wet blend a random mix of Turquoise Lights and Copper Oxide Blue (Patina) to the metal areas
  3. This oil paint mix may take days to cure based on the thickness of the application
  4. Once dry, lightly stipple and drybrush metal surfaces with a mix of copper and bronze paints such as Decayed Metal , Runelord Brass , Balthasar Gold and/or Warplock Bronze

Boots and clothing

  1. Apply Black Legion to cloth areas and boots or Garaghak's Sewer to boots if preferred

Gold trinkets

  1. Paint gold trinkets with Necro Gold
AK Interactive Abteilung 502
Base 2
  • Copper Oxide Blue (Patina)
  • Turquoise Lights
Citadel Painting System 6
Base 1
  • Warplock Bronze
Layer 1
  • Runelord Brass
Air 1
  • Balthasar Gold
Contrast 3
  • Black Legion
  • Garaghak's Sewer
  • Wyldwood
Scale75 Scalecolor
Metal n' Alchemy 2
  • SC-71 Necro Gold
  • SC-87 Decayed Metal
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