
Veteran Guardsmen

  • Written by
  • Published
    24 Oct 2023
  • Updated
    24 Oct 2023
  • Shareable URL

Initial Priming

  1. Prime Model with a black
  2. Prime Model with a white from the top to give shadow

Trench Coat

  1. Mix 1:1 Contrast Medium and Kantor Blue and aply to the trench coat
  2. Drybrush with a lighter blue e.g. Thunderhawk Blue to give highlights


  1. Apply Iron Warriors onto metal parts
  2. Apply Nuln Oil over top for shadows


  1. Brown - Use any brown (i use Rhinox Hide )
  2. Black - Use on boots and gloves ( Abaddon Black ) and then drybrush or edge highlight with Dawnstone or any grey
  3. Silver - Use on guns and extra more lighter metals ( Leadbelcher ) and then apply Nuln Oil
  4. Mask and Bindings - Use Pale Sand then apply Agrax Earthshade
  5. Extra Details - Balthasar Gold and Agrax Earthshade for a dirtier look or Reikland Fleshshade for a more warm look
  6. Legs - Apply Nuln Oil (may have to do several layers

Starred by yarkoon