Scavenger Hunter

Scavenger Hunter

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  • Published
    13 Jan 2024
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A detailed painting guide on how to paint the Scavenger Hunter from Station Forge.


  1. Undercoat with a black primer
  2. Basecoat with Khorne Red
  3. Apply Gory Red over most of the fabric except for folds and recesses
  4. Sketch in highlights using White
  5. Paint over those highlights using Gory Red
  6. Apply a final highlight of Scarlet Blood focusing on areas such as the hood and tops of folds along the arms.

Metals - Steel

  1. Apply a base coat of Black Grey to the parts that will be steel
  2. Carefully outline each shape using Neutral Grey . Should be larger on parts most exposed to light.
  3. Highlight those areas using White along upper edges and corners.

Metals - Gold

  1. Basecoat with Cavalry Brown
  2. Paint in the reflections with White
  3. Paint over the White with Scrofulous Brown while leaving a subtle transition between the darker and lighter areas
  4. Highlight these sections using Light Yellow . Use this color selectively on the highest points to create contrast.

Wood & Leather

  1. Basecoat with Charred Brown
  2. Outline with Flat Brown . Carefully define edges and contours.
  3. Highlight upper edges with a 1:1 mix of Flat Brown and Sunny Skin Tone
  4. Final highlight with pure Sunny Skin Tone along upper edges

Cloth & Wraps

  1. Basecoat with Brown Sand
  2. Highlight with a 1:1 mix of Brown Sand and White . Focus on areas where light would naturally hit.
  3. Final highlight with a 1:2 mix of Brown Sand and White


  1. Outline with Luftwaffe Uniform WWII
  2. Give the pipes a subtle glossy appearance using a 2:1 mix of Luftwaffe Uniform WWII and White . Paint short lines and dots along the edges of the pipes that are facing the light source.


  1. Basecoat with Dark Green
  2. Outline with Sick Green
  3. Add glossy lines using a 1:2 mix of White and Sick Green


  1. Fill the center of each lens with Blue Green . Make sure to leave a black outline near the edges.
  2. Paint a dot of Night Blue in the center of each lens
  3. Add a small dot of White in the upper right corner of each lens. Slightly overlap the Night Blue dot.
  4. Add a smaller dot of 1:2 White and Blue Green in the opposite corner


  1. Paint the gauge with Dark Sand and the dial with Khorne Red .
  2. Basecoat the little lights with White then apply Green Fluorescent and Orange Fluorescent to the left and right respectively.


  1. Basecoat with Yellow Ochre
  2. Create a 1:3 mix of Cavalry Brown and Water. Don't let this wash touch the mini.
  3. Drybrush with Yellow Ochre
  4. Add a Black rim.
Citadel Painting System
Base 1
  • Khorne Red
Vallejo Game Color
Base 7
  • 72.011 Gory Red
  • 72.019 Night Blue
  • 72.028 Dark Green
  • 72.029 Sick Green
  • 72.038 Scrofulous Brown
  • 72.045 Charred Brown
  • 72.106 Scarlet Blood
Vallejo Model Color 15
Base 13
  • 70.808 Blue Green
  • 70.816 Luftwaffe Uniform WWII
  • 70.845 Sunny Skin Tone
  • 70.847 Dark Sand
  • 70.862 Black Grey
  • 70.876 Brown Sand
  • 70.913 Yellow Ochre
  • 70.949 Light Yellow
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.951 White
  • 70.982 Cavalry Brown
  • 70.984 Flat Brown
  • 70.992 Neutral Grey
Fluorescent 2
  • 70.733 Orange Fluorescent
  • 70.737 Green Fluorescent
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