Stage 1
Caliban Green for shield and cape
Kislev Flesh for skin
Zandri Dust for hair and beards
Ironbreaker for hauberk, shoulders, chainmail, gorget, grieves, helmet, spear tip or sword and vambraces. Details on back of shield.
Doombull Brown for shirt and cummerbund, Side of crest on helmet. Trim on cape
Dryad Bark for inside of hauberk
Rhinox Hide for boots, belt, leather straps and spear shaft and details on vambraces, grieves and shoulders. Plume/tail on helmet. Back of shield.
Thondia Brown for trousers
Abaddon Black for gloves and sword sheath
Retributor Armour for pommel of sword and crossguard. Also for raised details on helmet. Gorget details. Shield details. Trim on cape.- TIDY UP!
Stage 2
Agrax Earthshade all over. Careful not to let it pool between the armour details.- Wyldwood or Black Templar in deep recesses or to add more definition to certain areas where necessary. Which contrast you use will depend where its going. For example Wyldwood onto any of the metal is going to make it look rusty. This could be a desired effect though. Equally Black Templar could be too strong on some colours. Both can be watered down if needed.
Fyreslayer Flesh on side of helmet to shade panels to a bronze colour
Stage 3
Shirt and cummerband Wazdakka Red then Wazdakka Red mixed with Squig Orange and some water so it isnt as bright
Boots, spear and helmet plume Gorthor Brown then Baneblade Brown
Armour details Doombull Brown then lightly with Tuskgor Fur
Belts Doombull Brown then Mournfang Brown
Trousers Thondia Brown then Mournfang Brown
Cape and shields Caliban Green then Caliban Green mixed with Loren Forest then final highlight Loren Forest
Gloves Eshin Grey then Dawnstone
Skin Kislev Flesh
Beard Ushabti Bone
Gold Liberator Gold then Stormhost Silver
Silver Stormhost Silver
Extra Reference