Simple Easterlings - LOTR - MESBG

Simple Easterlings - LOTR - MESBG

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  • Published
    21 Jun 2024
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I wanted a simple recipe for painting up Easterlings quickly but still looking good.

  1. Base Coat with light grey (or black if you want to save even more time)
  2. Paint all armor, tips of boots, blade hilt Dark Gold like Retributor Armor, AP Greedy Gold or similar.
  3. Wash all Armor with Flesh wash of choosing: I used Pro Acryl Flesh Wash
  4. Army Painter Grim Black all cloth, boots (this will create a natural highlight over the light grey base coat)
  5. 50%/50% mix Kimera The Red with black of your choosing (Bold Pyrole Red by ProAcryl is also great) on cloak and any cloth you want red.
  6. 80%/20% Red/Black blend/layer red cloth
  7. 100% Kimera The Red final highlights
  8. AP Fanatic Uniform Grey to highlight black cloth, belt/straps
  9. 50%/50% mix Retributor gold and silver of your choosing to highlight gold parts
  10. Blades pt 1 - Army painter Enchanted Steel
  11. Blades pt 2 - Highlight/slash marks with Vallejo Metal Color Air Aluminium (or any bright silver)
  12. About 2 hours unbased. Next time I'm sure it will be quicker. Hope this helps.