@Micheal_kirkbride's Scruffy Tan Armour

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  • Published
    27 Oct 2024
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A pretty much a direct copy of @micheal_kirkbride (Instagram) tan blood angels. Full credit to him.

He uses an airbrush which I do not own so I've modified the colours from air to layer.

@Micheal_kirkbride 's Bantax Campaign Force

  1. Prime Chaos Black then create shadows with Gal Vorbak Red : underneath.
  2. From the top down we'll need a few coats of XV-88 : . As we're going over black it will need a few coats.
  3. From the top and sides again, a layer of Tau Light Ochre leaving the d7ller XV-88 and Gal Vorbak Red in the shadows
  4. Crazy stain wash time. It's a 3:2:1:1:1 of Lahmian Medium , Agrax Earthshade , Reikland Fleshshade , Fuegan Orange , Druchii Violet . It should look fairly gross on the palette.
  5. Cover the whole model in the wash. Keep some clean Lahmian Medium on hand to level out any pooling. When done the base paints is done. Now let's beat it to help!
  6. First sponge some chipping with Rhinox Hide . Be gentle with the sponge. Follow this with more targeted chipping and the edges and other places wear and tear would occur. Also add some dots in large flat areas of lighter colour for visual interest.
  7. Follow this with a light sponge chipping of Ungor Flesh and then a smaller one of Ushabti Bone . Follow that with some irregular edge highlights and targeted stippling. Again throw some dots into the darker areas. Keep it random.
  8. Time for transfers. Use microsol for this step, it softens the decals and makes them conform to the surface below. Some folks do transfers prior to chipping but I've found that I unconsciously avoid chipping those areas too much if the decals are in place which makes it look artificial. Take some XV-88 and scuff up the transfers to taste.
  9. Add the rest of your details. Do your base, and black rims. I use AMMO by MIG Ultra-Matt varnish to seal it all. You're done!
Citadel Painting System 12
Base 3
  • Gal Vorbak Red
  • Rhinox Hide
  • XV-88
Shade 4
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Druchii Violet
  • Fuegan Orange
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Layer 3
  • Tau Light Ochre
  • Ungor Flesh
  • Ushabti Bone
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Spray 1
  • Chaos Black
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