Chaos Knight blue panels

Chaos Knight blue panels

  1. Base coat the area with Stegadon Scale Green
  2. Apply a heavy black oil wash across the area. When removing this, make sure you leave gradually more oil towards the recesses
  3. Alternately, use a heavy dose of Black Templar and wipe away the excess from the majority of the plat, this will give a similar effect.
  4. Mix Stegadon Scale Green and Thunderhawk Blue 50/50 and run a thick edge highlight around the panel
  5. Using pure Thunderhawk Blue follow the previous line, closer to the outer edge of the panel
  6. Mix Thunderhawk Blue and Fenrisian Grey 50/50 and begin to move close to the sharp edges of the panel lines
  7. Use pure Fenrisian Grey at the corners and points of the panel highlights
  8. Finally, spot highlight with a dot of Blue Horror at the very tips of the lines
Citadel Painting System 5
Base 1
  • Stegadon Scale Green
Layer 3
  • Blue Horror
  • Fenrisian Grey
  • Thunderhawk Blue
Contrast 1
  • Black Templar
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