
  • Written by
  • Published
    09 Nov 2024
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  1. Prime with Colour Forge Dead Animal Bits Spray or Rakarth Flesh

Green Armour

  1. Stipple drybrush prime with Deathworld Forest
  2. First Highlights with Nurgling Green to upper parts and surfaces facing up that catches the light. Thinned 1:1 with small brush (size 00) for more scratchy style in direction of towards the light.
  3. Blend down the highlights with Death Guard Green . Thinned one to one. blend in small upwards brush strokes
  4. Mix Rhinox Hide with some Death Guard Green to the mid-tones (downwards brush motion)
  5. Paint inside holes with Rhinox Hide
  6. Glaze down into shadows with Rhinox Hide (3 water:1 paint). Brush strokes from midtones to shadows
  7. Reinforce Nurgling Green highlights. Very little paint on brush. Apply to smaller area.
  8. Blend highlights with Death Guard Green
  9. second glaze of Rhinox Hide Very small and thin glaze - next to no paint on brush. several glazes
  10. Glaze Incubi Darkness (4 water/1 paint) apply from midtones to shadows. Try not to get much on highlights.
  11. Reapply Nurgling Green to areas that need it, such as areas below the holes (use 000 brush)
  12. Stipple Death Guard Green between highlights and midtones
  13. Another Incubi Darkness glaze to smooth out the transitions from the stippling
  14. Highlight with Ionrach Skin (1 water/1paint). Apply highlights to smaller area
  15. Use Nurgling Green to blend in highlights with Stippling (thin with more water)
  16. Death Guard Green glaze to midtones
  17. Another glaze of Rhinox Hide
  18. Glaze of Incubi Darkness
Citadel Painting System 7
Base 6
  • Death Guard Green
  • Deathworld Forest
  • Incubi Darkness
  • Ionrach Skin
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • Rhinox Hide
Layer 1
  • Nurgling Green
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