This technique is entirely plagiarised from MarcoFrisoni’s speed painting kruleboy guide
- Zenithal priming liquitex titanium white ink
- Then prime in Plaguebearer Flesh
- Reversere zenithal in Liquitex sap green ink
- All over wash of 1:1 Rembrandt Extra Fine Ivory Black and Transp. Oxide Brown (or mix in green oil)
- Wipe off as much of the oil as possible from the skin. This provides a
- Oils: roughly highlight skin with Sennelier 851 Golden Green and Rembrandt 223 Naples Yellow Deep
- Blend and "Buff" the highlights with clean brush
- Highlight further the skin with Sennelier 116 Titanium White
Leather pants:
- Base Contrast Wyldwood
- Base Contrast Snakebite Leather
- Base Contrast Black Templar
Leather Shirts:
- Base blacker parts in either Matt Black or Black Grey
- Base leather parts in Dryad Bark , Steel Legion Drab , Rhinox Hide
Metallic parts:
- Dark steel :Vallejo 77.721 Burnt Iron
- Steel :Vallejo 77.720 Gunmetal Grey
- Light steel :Vallejo 71.065 Steel
- Gold Balthasar Gold
- Copper Hammered Copper
- Tin Tinny Tin
Straps and teeth:
- Base in Zandri Dust
- Base in Khorne Red
Matt Varnish all over