Recipe has been adapted by Richard Gray's method He used contrast but I used Oils instead.
*Tips* When stippling the paint should be very watery. Make sure to wick off extra from the brush so the paint doesn't run. Very important after the step with VMC Flat Brown.
- Prime Black
- Stipple 2:1 Water : Flat Brown with a R3 or medium dry brush. Should be hitting almost everything except the deepest recesses. At least 3 coats. Smaller bush might be needed to get in the recesses.
- Stipple 3:1 Water Yellow Ochre with a R2 or small dry brush. 3 Coat Avoid recesses and very most downward facing volumes. 2 coats R1 or extra small dry brush start to establish volumetric highlights.
- Stipple 1:1 Water : Yriel Yellow At least 3 coats with R1 or extra small dry brush volumetric highlight. Make sure each coat you covering less area.
STOP - Make sure to paint any other areas, e.g. metallic that will be getting an oil wash.
Oil Wash - 4:1 W&N Burnt Sienna : W&N Black. Photo shows the color when dragged out from a big brush. Wash should be on the thicker side, just running but not thin enough it would be a pin wash.- Removal - Wait for oils to look matt then with makeup sponge/q-tip gently remove from the highlight areas.
Wait - At least over night for oils to cure before painting back on top.
- Fix any transitions - Using the above mixes fix any stark transitions. E.g if shadow has a hard transition to Yellow Ochre then come back in with a very thin Flat Brown and ease the transition.
- Reinstate the highlights with another stipple of 1:1 Water : Yriel Yellow
- Edge and Spot highlight with thin Yriel Yellow
- Tiny reflection and Edge highlight with Yriel Yellow : Golden HBA White. MIX RATIO TBD.