Initial Base Coats
- Prime model with Mechanicus Standard Grey
- Do an initial basecoat of the greatcoat with Dark Reaper
This is quite thin, so don't worry too much as you'll touch up again later. - Basecoat pants with Black Grey
- Paint hard leathers with Rhinox Hide
These are things like the gloves and the boots. - Paint boot wraps and gas mask with Tomb King Tan
- Paint leather straps and backpacks with Mournfang Brown
- Gun Metal for metalic details such as gasmask hose attachment and eye lenses, interior of respirator pack, exposed metals on lasguns.
- Needle in respirator pack gets Blood Angels Red , and the rest of the assembly inside the leathers gets Basilicanum Grey . Leave the background of the needle as Gun Metal
- Use Blood Angels Red on the eye lenses on the gasmask.
- Corvus Black for gasmask hose and the neck suit that goes under the greatcoat. Weapon casing also gets this color.
- Gunmetal for Pauldrons, belt buckle and helmet.
- Spartan Bronze for skulls, metalic bling and buttons on the greatcoat
- Apply second coat of all colors to get good coverage and deal with overpaint.
- Finish basecoats with another pass of Dark Reaper
- Pants, leathers, and boot wraps get heavy wash of Agrax Earthshade
- Everything else gets a heavy wash of Nuln Oil
- Highlight raised portions of greatcoat with Night Sky
- Edge highlight armor with Gun Metal