- Prime the terrain with Matt Black Undercoat
- Using a large brush, basecoat the ruins with Khorne Red
Don't worry about being messy or getting a perfectly even coat, as black showing through will make it look better and add a weathered/aged look. Aditionally, don't spend a ton of time painting over things you know will be painted as a metalic. - Do a heavy dry brush with Wazdakka Red
- Using Cadian Fleshtone do a final, lighter drybrush over the very tops and edges of the highest points.
- Apply Gun Metal to all silver metalic details. This includes doors, floors, windows, lumen housings, ect.
- Next, start to pick out pipes and similar pieces and paint them with True Copper . This step will likely require two coats.
- Use Black Legion to cover all the cables, wires and tubes
- Apply sacred washes Nuln Oil for silver, Cryptek Armourshade Gloss for coppers