Paint scheme for the Patriarchs of Ulixis, a successor chapter of the Ultramarines.
- Prime the miniature with a cold grey primer like Grey (or standard grey automotive primer).
Base Coat
- Paint the undersuit and any weaponry with Black Templar .
- Coat the arms, legs and (if standard battle-line troops) the helmet of the miniature with Blood Angels Red .
- Paint the torso (avoiding the chest aquila) and backpack with Rakarth Flesh .
- If the marine is a sergeant, paint the entire helmet with Rakarth Flesh , otherwise just paint a stripe on the helmet crest.
- Using Leadbelcher , paint any metallic areas on weaponry and the backpack.
Highlights and Detail
- Using Agrax Earthshade , coat the Rakarth Flesh areas and recess shade the Blood Angels Red areas.
- Bring the brightness of the torso back up by applying some thinned Rakarth Flesh over the raised areas, then glaze the areas where light lands with thinned Ushabti Bone .
- Paint the chest aquila with Black Templar .
- Apply Nuln Oil over the silver metallics.
- Paint any gold areas with Retributor Armour and wash with Reikland Fleshshade
- Paint any purity seals with Screamer Pink & Rakarth Flesh , then wash with Agrax Earthshade before edge highlighting the wax seal with Pink Horror .
- Base as required. The example mini uses Mechanicus Standard Grey , Nuln Oil and a drybrush of Administratum Grey .