

  • Written by
  • Published
    30 Apr 2023
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  1. Prime with USN Light Ghost Grey


  1. Paint with Striking Scorpion Green
  2. Once dry, go over this with Militarum Green and wet blend into any adjacent bark with Wyldwood
  3. Highlight with Moot Green

Dark Bark

  1. Base with Wyldwood
  2. First highlight with Gorthor Brown
  3. Highlight again with 1:1 Gorthor Brown and Rakarth Flesh
  4. Brightest highlight with Rakarth Flesh

Pale Bark

  1. Base with Rakarth Flesh
  2. Heavy shade with Agrax Earthshade
  3. Highlight with Rakarth Flesh


  1. Glyphs and symbols. Pick out with White and then Striking Scorpion Green / Aethermatic Blue / Iyanden Yellow / your preferred contrast colour, getting some onto the adjacent bark to blend in
  2. Weapons. Base with Aethermatic Blue and then highlight with Rakarth Flesh
  3. Mushrooms. Paint caps with Mephiston Red and then spots with White . Paint underside with Rakarth Flesh and shade lightly with Iyanden Yellow
  4. Pustules. Paint with Dorn Yellow then shade with Carroburg Crimson .


  1. Base. Texture and colour with Gorthor Brown . Apply shrubs, wood chips and rocks, etc. Rims with Gorthor Brown .
Citadel Painting System 12
Base 2
  • Mephiston Red
  • Rakarth Flesh
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Carroburg Crimson
Layer 3
  • Dorn Yellow
  • Gorthor Brown
  • Moot Green
Contrast 5
  • Aethermatic Blue
  • Iyanden Yellow
  • Militarum Green
  • Striking Scorpion Green
  • Wyldwood
Vallejo Model Color
Base 1
  • 70.951 White
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.615 USN Light Ghost Grey
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