Hive-fleet Tiamet (alt version)

  • Written by
  • Published
    10 Jun 2024
  • Updated
    23 Jun 2024
  • Shareable URL

I wanted to accentuate the extra-galactic, cosmic horror of the Tiamet scheme, by using a monochromatic palete of pale green / turquoise, cold colors. Heavily based on the work of Matt's Hobby Hour https://youtu.be/IiQP0ldIOn0?si=1cwEIIN9KP_40UCj


  1. Prime using grey / white color. I'm using White Scar .
  2. In order to easily cover mistakes, I'm airbrushing Dead White all over the miniature, especially the skin, but it also works by brush.


  1. The messy steps first, I'm painting the carapace. I'm using a 1:1:4:1 mix of Aeldari Emerald , Kroxigor Scales , Black Templar and Vallejo Flow Improver.
    Two coats.


  1. Apply Black Legion

Bio weapons

  1. Apply a 2:1 mix of Basilicanum Grey and Terradon Turquoise .


  1. Time to cover the mess with Dead White .
  2. Apply a 2:2:1 mix of Gryph-charger Grey , Contrast Medium and Water.


  1. Apply a 1:1:2 mix of Aeldari Emerald , Frostheart and Contrast Medium .

Membranes and tongues

  1. Apply a 1:1 mix of Basilicanum Grey and Terradon Turquoise .
Citadel Painting System 10
Technical 1
  • Contrast Medium
Spray 1
  • White Scar
Contrast 8
  • Aeldari Emerald
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Black Legion
  • Black Templar
  • Frostheart
  • Gryph-charger Grey
  • Kroxigor Scales
  • Terradon Turquoise
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.001 Dead White
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