The Grandfather's Gardeners

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  • Published
    11 Nov 2024
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A floral-themed Death Guard scheme inspired by the "Eden's Abominations" artwork floating around online.


  1. Prime with Wraithbone or equivalent, I quite like the Wight Bone Spray from The Colour Forge.

Armour Basecoats

  1. Initial all-over coat of Violet Red , I normally achieve these initial coats with an airbrush, but can be achieved with varying degrees of time spent with wet blends, dry-brushing or glazing
  2. Spray from a low angle with Hexed Lichen to establish shadows.
  3. Zenithal spray of Squid Pink for quick highlights.
  4. (Optional) You can smooth basecoat transitions with a quick glaze of Violet Red

Detail Basecoats

  1. Apply Heavy Charcoal over any large, chunky details. This includes pauldron trims, large decorative details, Plague Swords, stomach mouths etc.
  2. Apply Lime Green to the outside of any fabric details: cloaks, tabbards etc. as well as gun casings.
  3. Apply Intermediate Green to the inside of the same fabric details.
  4. Pick out any Nugling skin and magic/smoke effects with Silver Grey
  5. Apply Gunmetal Grey to any functional metallic components: guns, power pack components, hoses etc.
  6. Pick out any decorative armour details/metallic components with Copper
  7. Apply Pale Sand to any bone details, horns, teeth etc. optionally some horn details can be painted with Heavy Charcoal where desired.
  8. Any skin/fleshy details can be coated in Bugman's Glow or similar I normally use Athena Skin from Vallejo Game Color, but that isn't available here.
  9. Pick out any organs, viscera or other organic internals with Gory Red
  10. Any fetid, diseased boils and the like can be picked out with Flat Yellow


  1. Apply a 1:1 mix of Red Wash and Xpress Medium to all pink/purple armour elements.
  2. Anything in Heavy Charcoal Gunmetal Grey and Intermediate Green can be washed in Black Wash
  3. Any Lime Green and Flat Yellow elements can be washed with Sepia Wash
  4. Wash any Copper or Pale Sand parts with Umber Wash , concentrating on the base of bone/horn details for a darker base transitioning to light.
  5. Wash any skin/flesh details (apart from Nurglings) with Flesh Wash
  6. Any Nurglings can be coated with your choice of Familiar Pink Plasmatic Bolt Bright Red or Desolate Brown mixed 1:1 with Xpress Medium
  7. Coat any Gory Red details with Murder Scene allowing it to pool and drip a little for extra gross factor.
  8. For any smoke/magic effects, create a blended transition from Holy White through Plasmatic Bolt and Gravelord Grey to a point of Hospitallier Black


  1. Edge highlight any pink/purple edges (or as many as you can be bothered to) in Violet Red
  2. Follow up with a sharp edge highlight of Squid Pink
  3. (Optional) Point highlight with a 1:1 mix of Squid Pink and Pale Sand
  4. Apply a thickish edge highlight of Neutral Grey to any Heavy Charcoal elements
  5. Follow that with a finer edge highlight of Wolf Grey
  6. (Optional) Very fine point highlight of Cold White
  7. Highlight/layer any Copper elements with Bronze
  8. Very fine edge highlight those same elements with Silver
  9. Edge highlight the top edges of any gory openings with Violet Red
  10. Follow with a very fine ehde highlight of Pale Sand
  11. Layer/highlight any sores/boils with Lime Green followed with Flat Yellow , very sparingly

Shadestorm Studio


Citadel Painting System 2
Base 1
  • Bugman's Glow
Spray 1
  • Wraithbone
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0
Speedpaint 7
  • Bright Red
  • Desolate Brown
  • Familiar Pink
  • Gravelord Grey
  • Holy White
  • Murder Scene
  • Plasmatic Bolt
Vallejo Game Color 10
Base 4
  • 72.011 Gory Red
  • 72.013 Squid Pink
  • 72.015 Hexed Lichen
  • 72.047 Wolf Grey
Extra opaque 1
  • 72.155 Heavy Charcoal
Wash 5
  • 72.200 Sepia Wash
  • 72.201 Black Wash
  • 72.203 Umber Wash
  • 72.204 Flesh Wash
  • 72.206 Red Wash
Vallejo Model Color 12
Base 8
  • 70.812 Violet Red
  • 70.827 Lime Green
  • 70.837 Pale Sand
  • 70.883 Silver Grey
  • 70.891 Intermediate Green
  • 70.919 Cold White
  • 70.953 Flat Yellow
  • 70.992 Neutral Grey
Metallic 4
  • 70.863 Gunmetal Grey
  • 70.997 Silver
  • 70.998 Bronze
  • 70.999 Copper
Vallejo Xpress 2
Xpress 1
  • 72.448 Xpress Medium
Intense 1
  • 72.484 Hospitallier Black
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