Untitled recipe

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  • Published
    25 Nov 2024
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  1. Prime: in Black
  2. Basecoat: Basecoat all the armour panels with a few coats of Wyvern Green (thin this down 2:3 with Airbrush thinner)
  3. First Highlight: Leve the Wyvern Green covering about 60% of the armour panel, then airbrush in your first highlight of Emerald Green covering about 15% of the panel)
  4. Second Highlight: Airbrush in your last highlight with Greenskin covering the remaining 5%
  5. Shadows: to punch up the shadows and add soem vibrancy to the darktones spray in some thinned down Dark Angels Green directly into the shadows
  6. Gloss coat the whole model with a few thin coats of Vallejo Polyurathen
  7. Prime: Chaos Black
    Basecoat: Airbrush the whole thing with TwoThinCoats Wyvern Green
    Midtone: Airbrush about 15% of the panel with TwoThinCoats Emerald Green
    Highlight: Airbrush about 5% of the panel with ArmyPainter Fanatic Greenskin
    Recess Shade: Windsor and Newtown Artist Oil - Lamp Black
    Recess Shade/Weathering - Windsor and Newtown Artist Oil - Burnt Umber
    Edge Highlight - ArmyPainter Fanatic Greenskin do a chippy, scratchy broken line edge highlight
Citadel Painting System
Contrast 1
  • Dark Angels Green
Two Thin Coats 2
Shade 1
  • Wyvern Green
Midtone 1
  • Emerald Green
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