Seraphon - Saurus Warriors

Seraphon - Saurus Warriors

  • Written by
  • Published
    23 Jan 2025
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Here is my recipe for Saurus Warriors. I went the direction of the box art, but wanted the color to be a bit darker/muted.

  1. Prime models with Black and then do a zenithal with white ink covering a good portion of the model.

Blue Scales

  1. Base coat the soft skin and scales with a 1:1 Tyrian Navy and Speedpaint Medium
  2. Light dry brush over the scales with a 1:1 Deepkin Flesh and Thunderhawk Blue

Black Scales

  1. layer the black scales with Coal Black and edge highlight with Warm Grey

Some of the scales have caps over them. I painted these with the gold recipe (see below) over the black.

Soft Skin

  1. Layer the soft skin with a 1:1 Deepkin Flesh and Thunderhawk Blue . Feather the color out where the soft skin meets the scales.
  2. Add a green tint to the soft skin by applying a 1:2 mix of Plaguebearer Flesh and Lahmian Medium . As soon as I apply the mix I take a clean brush and wipe it away. The contrast will stain the skin and leave it with a green tint. Work in small areas so the contrast paint doesn't dry too quickly.
  3. Glaze Deepkin Flesh in the center of the soft skin and feather outwards.
  4. For a final highlight on the soft skin I just use Deepkin Flesh straight from the pot.

Mouth and Eyes

  1. Base the entire mouth (tongue and teeth included) with Burgundy .
  2. Highlight the tongue and the sides of the mouth with Magenta
  3. Paint the rest with Ivory , but make sure to leave the very top of the teeth (where the teeth and head meet) painted Burgundy . This will give the teeth gums.
  4. Paint the eye with Ivory and a small black slit for the pupil with Coal Black .

Gold Sections

For all of the Gold areas see this section.

  1. Base coat with Rich Gold (or Hoplite Gold )
  2. Wash all of the gold with Magos Purple to create an antique look. Try to prevent the contrast paint from pooling anywhere.
  3. Edge highlight with Rich Gold

Ropes and Straps

  1. Base the rope or strap with Tuskgor Fur or Red Oxide (they are pretty close in color)
  2. Apply Reikland Fleshshade to help darken the rope.
  3. Add a highlight by mixing Orange with the Tuskgor Fur (or Red Oxide ). Keep adding more until you get a nice gradual highlight.


  1. Base the recessed part of the shield with Basilicanum Grey
  2. Base the other part of the shield with the Gold Recipe

Weapon - Club

  1. Base coat the club with Basilicanum Grey but don't paint the hilt or the club top.
  2. Paint the hilt and club top with the Gold Recipe mentioned above.
  3. Paint the grip of the hilt with the Rope Recipe mentioned above

Weapon - Spear

Coming Soon!


The flag took a lot of work. I constantly went back and forth between the colors.

  1. Base the flag with Burgundy
  2. Glaze the upper sections with a 2:1 mix of Dark Ivory and Golden Brown
  3. Add Bright Jade in the recess and Coal Black in the cracks.

For the feathers, I just took two bright colors and wet blended them. For the stem I used the Dark Ivory:Golden Brown mix.

  1. finally, take the 2:1 mix of Dark Ivory and Golden Brown and do an edge highlight on the flag.


  1. For the base of the drum apply Satchel Brown
  2. Highlight with Light Umber adding Warm Yellow to boost the highlight.
  3. for the head of the drum, apply Snakebite Leather
  4. Then glaze/stipple a 2:1 mix of Dark Ivory and Golden Brown . Put most of the focus on the center of the drum head and on the rim of the drum head to give it a weathered look.

Stephen Grayson


Citadel Painting System 9
Shade 1
  • Reikland Fleshshade
Layer 3
  • Deepkin Flesh
  • Thunderhawk Blue
  • Tuskgor Fur
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Contrast 4
  • Basilicanum Grey
  • Magos Purple
  • Plaguebearer Flesh
  • Snakebite Leather
Monument Creature Caster Pro Acryl 14
Base 10
  • 002 Coal Black
  • 007 Orange
  • 011 Magenta
  • 017 Golden Brown
  • 018 Light Umber
  • 023 Ivory
  • 067 Bright Jade
  • 069 Burgundy
  • 072 Warm Yellow
  • 074 Warm Grey
Metallic 1
  • 028 Rich Gold
Signature Series: Ninjon 1
  • S07 Dark Ivory
Prime 1
  • PRIME 002 Black
AdeptiCon 1
  • S37 Red Oxide
The Army Painter Speedpaint 2.0 4
Speedpaint 3
  • Satchel Brown
  • Speedpaint Medium
  • Tyrian Navy
Metallic 1
  • Hoplite Gold
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