I wanted a blue-green with some gray for my Kroxigor.
- Prime the model with Black and do a white zenithal from above and at the sides.
- Base coat the scales and soft skin with a 1:1 mix of Raging Sea and Burnt Moss
- Drybrush over the scales Sons of Horus Green with a small amount of Turquoise and Warm Yellow mixed in.
Black Scales
- ayer the black scales with Coal Black and edge highlight with Warm Grey
Some of the scales have caps over them. I painted these with the gold recipe (see below) over the black.
Soft Skin
- Base with Sons of Horus Green and feather out towards the transition between soft skin and scales.
- Add a layer with a 2:1:1 mix of Sons of Horus Green , Warm Yellow , and Orange Brown . This layer is to start building up the highlight. With this layer make it smaller than the previous step.
- Highlight by adding Bone to the previous step's mix. (2:1:1:1 Sons of Horus Green , Warm Yellow , Orange Brown , Bone ).
- Glaze over the chest's soft skin with a 1:1:1 mix of Warm Yellow , Orange Brown , and Bone .
- Final highlight by glazing Bone .
- Touchup the transition areas and the recesses of the soft skin by glazing Sons of Horus Green .
Mouth and Eyes
- Base the entire mouth (tongue and teeth included) with Burgundy
- Highlight the tongue and the sides of the mouth with Magenta
- Paint the rest with Ivory , but make sure to leave the very top of the teeth (where the teeth and head meet) painted Burgundy . This will give the teeth gums.
- Paint the eye with Ivory and a small black slit for the pupil with Coal Black .
Gold Sections
- Base coat with Rich Gold (or Hoplite Gold )
- Wash all of the gold with Magos Purple to create an antique look. Try to prevent the contrast paint from pooling anywhere.
- Edge highlight with Rich Gold
Ropes and Straps
- Base the rope or strap with Tuskgor Fur or Red Oxide (they are pretty close in color)
- Apply Reikland Fleshshade to help darken the rope.
- Add a highlight by mixing Orange with the Tuskgor Fur (or Red Oxide ). Keep adding more until you get a nice gradual highlight.
Weapon - Drakebite Maul
- Base the club head with Basilicanum Grey then dry brush Bright Warm Grey
- Add the Gold recipe to the raised areas of the maul head.
- Base the handle with Dark Plum and wet blend Burnt Red as the first highlight. Mix Bright Warm Grey with the Burnt Red as the final highlight.
Weapon - Moonstone Hammer
- Base the moonstone with Blue Black . Then wet blend Jade to highlight and add Bright Jade as a final highlight.
- Add the Gold recipe to the raised areas of the maul head.
- Base the handle with Dark Plum and wet blend Burnt Red as the first highlight. Mix Bright Warm Grey with the Burnt Red as the final highlight.