- Base tunic and paints with AK11426 Grey Blue
- Base flesh with Medium Flesh Tone
- Base spear shafts with Sand Yellow
- Base shoes with Rubber Black
- Base belts with Ivory
- Base metallics with Dark Silver
- Wash everything with Marine Juice
- Highlight blue tunic and pants with AK11426 Grey Blue
- Highlight blue tunic and pants with Spectrum Blue
- Highlight edges of blue tunic and pants with 50/50 Spectrum Blue and White
- Paint belts with White
- Highlight flesh with Medium Flesh Tone
- Highlight flesh with 70/30 Medium Flesh Tone and Basic Skin Tone
- Highlight flesh with 30/70 Medium Flesh Tone and Basic Skin Tone
- Highlight flesh with Basic Skin Tone
- Highlight spear tips with Dark Silver
- Highlight spear tips with Chain Mail Silver
- Paint spear shafts with Sand Yellow
- Paint streaks on spear tips with 50/50 Sand Yellow and Ivory