Found 890 recipes
Here is how I painted the undead skin on my Plaguebearers of Nurgle. This method is a slightly modified version of Mengal Miniatures' "Zombie Rotting Skin" guide.
This is the process I used for painting these Poxwalkers for Blackstone Fortress, but it could easily be applied to other undead creatures. When it comes to playing around with washes in the final steps, don't be afraid to play around with placement. the main aim is to build up contrast in recesses and add lots of different tones to the flesh.
The skin part of this recipe is based heavily on a YouTube tutorial from Infernal Brush titled "How to paint Ork Skin the 'Eavy Metal way". I changed a few bits to simplify the process, so if you want a more comprehensive guide, please check out his video.
Rough steps for my reference. I will change and refine as I go.
A pallid diseased skin recipe.
My attempt at skin tone for use on minis from warmer climes. Recipe shared to me from good friend who has excellent skin tones across his minis!
A selection of Ork skin tones that I wanted to try. These were mostly initially pulled from '', but then tweaked and changed to my tastes. Most of the credit should go to the folk there.
Vampire skin with good effect of shodow/light areas thank to the contrast of blues (celestra grey, drakenof nightshade) and browns (rakart flesh, carroburg crimson, pallid witch flesh)
basic flesh with a otherworldly tinge
I wasn't 100% sure how to approach the skin of my Kroot, but also wanted some variation in skin tone for these boys. So, I decided to just wing it and have a play. Some of these methods may not be the most efficient, but if you wanted to replicate the results, here is what I did...
For my infinity Haqqislam troopers
Skin tone suitable for 28mm historical models and Warhammer