Undercoat the model with Wraithbone . This can be applied as a spray Undercoat or basecoat.
Basecoat the ogryn's skin with Flayed One Flesh .
Basecoat the boots and power pack on the ogryn's weapon with Abaddon Black . This step is mainly here for something for you to paint whilst your waiting for the previous step to dry.
Glaze some thinned Wraithbone on the raised parts of the skin. This step is optional.
Paint the demonic claw with Rakarth Flesh .
Wash the skin and claw with Reikland Fleshshade
Mix some Pink Horror with some Lahmian Medium in about a 1:3 mix. Shade around any mutated parts on the skin.
Wash the claw with Druchii Violet .
Drybrush the Ogryn with Wraithbone . Follow up with a drybrush of Pallid Wych Flesh .
Paint any silver parts with Leadbelcher .
Relayer the tusks, fingernails, and the rope on the weapon with Wraithbone .
Wash the rope on the weapon with Imperial Fist .
Wash the tusks and fingernails with Skeleton Horde .
Wash the strap on the ogryn's right arm with Flesh Tearers Red .
Paint the leather with Rhinox Hide .
Paint the ogryn's pants with Thunderhawk Blue . You will most likely have to do two or three layers.
Paint the bronze parts with Balthasar Gold .
Repaint the black parts you may have painted previously with Abaddon Black . Also paint the tube leading from the ogryn's face to his belt.
Wash the silver, bronze, and leather with Agrax Earthshade .
Shade the pants with Nuln Oil .
Drybrush the metallics with Stormhost Silver .
Mix some Troll Slayer Orange with Lahmian Medium in a 1:2 mix. Shade the silver with this to simulate rust.
Recess shade Nihilakh Oxide into the recesses of the bronze parts to simulate oxidisation.
I am relatively new to painting Miniatures. I have a decently large blood angels space marine army for warhammer 40k and a (very) small stormcast eternals army for age of sigmar.