Hive Fleet Neolith

  • Written by
  • Published
    28 Mar 2025
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this is my homebrew Tyranid hive fleet, hungry and violent this hive fleet is persistent and will stop at nothing to eat and eat. they are currently fighting on the planet of Isocoast, a mining facility with organic ore (don't ask me how that works it just does) a biomass rich planet the Tyranids want. however the Tyranids cannot burrow into the mines as the ground of this planet is covered in a snow that stiffens when pressed on, this is because of the wonky gravity on Isocoast. exterminatus is not an option because this world has a one of a kind ore that has not been recorded anywhere else (especially since this ore can grow back) the ore on this planet I good for burning, consuming, and producing ammunition. there has been an ongoing war for 234 years with no turning point. because after all in the grim darkness of the far future, there is only war.

  1. Basecoat in Abaddon Black
  2. Color chitin with Mournfang Brown
  3. Color carapace with Thunderhawk Blue
  4. Keep blades and hoofs and most pointy bits Abaddon Black
  5. Wash skin with Agrax Earthshade
  6. Wash carapace with Drakenhof Nightshade
  7. color skin tears/whatever the hole things are Lothern Blue
  8. paint the mouth Jokaero Orange and teeth White Scar
  9. add Valhallan Blizzard on the base

these next few steps are for specific units and do not apply to all. also keep weapons the same color or at least try.

  1. For brains use Genestealer Purple
  2. for rockets or stuff like that use Mephiston Red
  3. for sacks of venom or poison Genestealer Purple
  4. for tervigon sack, where the Termagants are popping out use White Scar and put a wash of Mantis Warriors Green make sure this is where the Termagants are popping out and the further the sack goes back it transitions into Mournfang Brown

Neo Flood


hi I paint miniatures like everyone else here.

Citadel Painting System 12
Base 4
  • Abaddon Black
  • Jokaero Orange
  • Mephiston Red
  • Mournfang Brown
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
Layer 4
  • Genestealer Purple
  • Lothern Blue
  • Thunderhawk Blue
  • White Scar
Texture 1
  • Valhallan Blizzard
Contrast 1
  • Mantis Warriors Green
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