Heretic Astartes - Bringers of Decay - Basic Scheme

Heretic Astartes - Bringers of Decay - Basic Scheme

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  • Published
    26 Jun 2021
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  1. Prime the model with black spray primer
  2. Base coat all armor with Abaddon Black
  3. Mix Rakarth Flesh and Mephiston Red together to get a de-saturated pink color. Use this to paint and tentacles and tongues.
  4. Base coat armor trim, power pack details, chain mail, tubing, swords, etc... with Leadbelcher
  5. Base coat any trinkets, small ornaments, and nurglite symbols with Balthasar Gold
  6. Base coat any light firearms with Mephiston Red , if they are heavier, paint them with Leadbelcher and then lightly dry brush them with Balthasar Gold to create a faded bronze look
  7. Base coat any bone and teeth with Flayed One Flesh
  8. Base coat any exposed flesh with Rakarth Flesh
  9. Base coat any plasma coils and lenses with Warboss Green
  10. Shade the Leadbelcher areas with Nuln Oil
  11. Shade the rest of the model with Agrax Earthshade Gloss
  12. Retouch areas with original base colors as needed
  13. Edge highlight all black armor areas with Warboss Green
  14. Add Blood For The Blood God to the teeth, bones, and melee weapons as needed
  15. Finally, coat whole model in Satin Varnish
Citadel Painting System 10
Base 5
  • Abaddon Black
  • Balthasar Gold
  • Leadbelcher
  • Mephiston Red
  • Rakarth Flesh
Shade 2
  • Agrax Earthshade Gloss
  • Nuln Oil
Layer 2
  • Flayed One Flesh
  • Warboss Green
Technical 1
  • Blood For The Blood God
Vallejo Auxiliaries
Base 1
  • 70.522 Satin Varnish
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