Idonith Deepken Scheme

  • Written by
  • Published
    20 Aug 2022
  • Updated
    04 Feb 2025
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Base Sculpting

  1. Make base with Sculptamold, making sand tide rides and Epic basing bits
  2. Gloss Modge-Podge over sculpted sand


  1. Prime with Black
  2. Zenithal with White Ink


  1. Airbrush Rakarth Flesh
  2. Airbrush from Underneath and Horizontal Prussian Blue
  3. Airbrush Zenithally Ulthuan Grey
  4. Recess and Glaze Prussian Blue
  5. Recess Quinacridone Magenta Ink in forehead recess
  6. Edge highlight w/ Ulthuan Grey & White Scar 1:1
  7. A few stippled spots with Lothern Blue
  8. Thinned Quinacridone Magenta Ink splashes (glazes)


  1. Basecoat Magnesium
  2. Tint with Black Templar
  3. Re-layer with Magnesium
  4. Highlight with glazes of Runefang Steel
  5. Edge highlight Runefang Steel
  6. Shadow splash of Blue ink
  7. Highlight Splash of Quinacridone Magenta Ink


  1. Base Coat with Sotek Green and Kabalite Green 1:1
  2. Wetblend and Glaze shadows with Dark Prussian Blue and Sotek Green & Kabalite Green
  3. Glaze Highlights w/ Ahriman Blue & Kabalite Green 1:1
  4. Glaze High-Highlights w/ Ahriman Blue & Lothern Blue 1:1
  5. Edge Highlight with Lothern Blue
  6. Glaze 'splash' of Warlord Purple

Cloth Raised Embroidery

  1. Basecoat w/ German Camouflage Bright Green & Green Sky 1:1
  2. Glaze shadows with Dark Prussian Blue
  3. Glaze Highlight w/ Green Sky & White Scar 1:1
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Green Sky & White Scar 1:2
  5. Glaze 'splash' of Warlord Purple

Cloth Underside

  1. Basecoat w/ Heavy Charcoal & Prussian Blue 1:1
  2. Glaze w/ Prussian Blue
  3. Glaze Highlight w/ Mechanicus Standard Grey
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Mechanicus Standard Grey
  5. Glaze 'Splash' w/ Warlord Purple
  6. Glaze 'Splash' Prussian Blue


  1. Basecoat The Fang
  2. Wash Drakenhof Nightshade
  3. Re-Highlight with The Fang
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Russ Grey
  5. Sparing 'splash' highlight of Warlord Purple


  1. Basecoat w/ Heavy Charcoal
  2. Wetblend / Glaze Highlights w/ Mechanicus Standard Grey
  3. Edge Highlight w/ Mechanicus Standard Grey & White Scar
  4. Glaze 'splash' of Warlord Purple
  5. Glaze 'splash' of Prussian Blue

Bronze Collar

  1. Basecoat w/ Black
  2. Basecoat w/ Sycorax Bronze
  3. Wash w/ Nuln Oil 2-3x
  4. Glaze up w/ Sycorax Bronze
  5. Edge Highlight w/ Sycorax Bronze
  6. Highlight Glaze 'splash' w/ Quinacridone Magenta Ink
  7. Shadow Glaze 'splash' w/ Blue


  1. Basecoat w/ Warlord Purple
  2. Glaze Glossy Black
  3. Fix up w/ Warlord Purple if needed
  4. Glaze w/ Lothern Blue
  5. Edge Highlight w/ Lothern Blue
  6. Dot black with White Scar

Weapon Handles

  1. Basecoat w/ Dark Green & Dark Prussian Blue 1:1
  2. Glaze Highlight w/ Dark Green & Prussian Blue 1:3
  3. Shade Glaze w/ Dark Prussian Blue
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Kabalite Green & Prussian Blue & White Scar 1:1:1
  5. Glaze on Texture w/ Kabalite Green & Prussian Blue & White Scar 1:1:1
  6. Glaze 'Splash' Warlord Purple


  1. Basecoat w/ Ivory
  2. Wash/Glaze w/ Skeleton Horde 2-3x until satisfied
  3. Re-Highlight Glaze strands w/ Ivory
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Ivory
  5. Shadow Glaze 'splash' w/ Blue
  6. Highlight Glaze 'splash' w/ Quinacridone Magenta Ink. Try and make a gradient with the blue ink


  1. Basecoat from wet palette Volupus Pink
  2. Highlight Glaze w/ Warlord Purple
  3. Shadow Glaze Prussian Blue
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Warlord Purple & White Scar 1:1
  5. Edge Highlight w/ Prussian Blue & Lothern Blue 1:1
  6. Re-Saturate glaze w/ Quinacridone Magenta Ink


  1. Airbrush Prussian Blue from top and direction of shadow
  2. Airbrush from direction of light w/ Pale Sand
  3. Very thin Wash of Seraphim Sepia
  4. Very thin tint of Volupus Pink over the sand colour
  5. Drybrush Pale Sand over sand, brushing in the direction of the light

Tube Coral

  1. Basecoat w/ Nazdreg Yellow
  2. Shade w/ Prussian Blue
  3. Edge Highlight w/ Gold Yellow


  1. Basecoat w/ Gryph-hound Orange & Apothecary White 1:1
  2. Recess shade w/ Prussian Blue
  3. Edge Highlight w/ Ivory

Tentacle Shell Thing

  1. Basecoat Shell w/ Guilliman Flesh
  2. Basecoat Tenacles w/ Terradon Turquoise
  3. Shell patern w/ Warlord Purple
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Warlord Purple


  1. Basecoat w/ Castellan Green
  2. Wet Blend Highlight Castellan Green & Elysian Green 1:1
  3. Glaze Highlight w/ Elysian Green
  4. Basecoat the berries w/ Gold Yellow
  5. Wash berries w/ Quinacridone Magenta Ink
  6. Dot the berries w/ Gold Yellow
  7. Edge Highlight and Stipple Kelp w/ Elysian Green & Gold Yellow 1:1
  8. Shade Glaze w/ Prussian Blue
  9. Glaze 'Splash' w/ Warlord Purple

Sea Grass

  1. Basecoat w/ Flat Green
  2. Wash w/ Magos Purple
  3. Edge Highlight w/ Flat Green
  4. Shade Glaze w/ Prussian Blue
  5. Highlight Glaze w/ Warlord Purple


  1. Basecoat w/ Volupus Pink
  2. Glaze shadows w/ Prussian Blue
  3. Thin Glaze of Ivory
  4. Edge Highlight w/ Ivory

Brain Coral

  1. Basecoat w/ Gryph-hound Orange
  2. Basecoat on leaves w/ Magos Purple
  3. Edge Highlight w/ Flat Green
  4. Wash w/ Prussian Blue
  5. Edge Highlight w/ Troll Slayer Orange & Gold Yellow 1:1


  1. Basecoat w/ Green Sky
  2. Basecoat fins w/ Terradon Turquoise
  3. Wash all w/ Athonian Camoshade
  4. Edge highlight all w/ Ivory
  5. Wash all over w/ Prussian Blue
  6. Basecoat eyes w/ Gold Yellow
  7. Wash eyes with Quinacridone Magenta ink
  8. Dot eyes w/ Gold Yellow
  9. Shade Glaze with Prussian Blue
  10. Glaze 'splash' w/ Quincaridone Magenta

Base Rims

  1. Basecoat w/ Dark Prussian Blue & Black 3:1
  2. Glaze 'splash' w/ Quincaridone Magenta
Citadel Painting System 28
Base 4
  • Castellan Green
  • Mechanicus Standard Grey
  • Rakarth Flesh
  • The Fang
Shade 4
  • Athonian Camoshade
  • Drakenhof Nightshade
  • Nuln Oil
  • Seraphim Sepia
Layer 11
  • Ahriman Blue
  • Elysian Green
  • Kabalite Green
  • Lothern Blue
  • Runefang Steel
  • Russ Grey
  • Sotek Green
  • Sycorax Bronze
  • Troll Slayer Orange
  • Ulthuan Grey
  • White Scar
Contrast 9
  • Apothecary White
  • Black Templar
  • Gryph-hound Orange
  • Guilliman Flesh
  • Magos Purple
  • Nazdreg Yellow
  • Skeleton Horde
  • Terradon Turquoise
  • Volupus Pink
Vallejo Game Color 5
Base 3
  • 72.007 Gold Yellow
  • 72.014 Warlord Purple
  • 72.028 Dark Green
Ink 1
  • 72.088 Blue
Extra opaque 1
  • 72.155 Heavy Charcoal
Vallejo Metal Color
Base 1
  • 77.711 Magnesium
Vallejo Model Color
Base 9
  • 70.833 German Camouflage Bright Green
  • 70.837 Pale Sand
  • 70.861 Glossy Black
  • 70.899 Dark Prussian Blue
  • 70.918 Ivory
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.965 Prussian Blue
  • 70.968 Flat Green
  • 70.974 Green Sky
Vallejo Surface Primer
Base 1
  • 70.602 Black
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