Demigryph knights

Demigryph knights

  • Written by
  • Published
    21 Jul 2023
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  1. Priming Cold White
  2. Basecoat Red Leather
  3. Layer Deck Tan
  4. wet blend from Red Leather to Deck Tan
  5. Glaze Agrax Earthshade
  6. Layer Deck Tan + White Grey
  7. Layer White Grey
  8. Shades with glaze of Smoke


  1. Basecoat Cold White
  2. Wash Agrax Earthshade
  3. Layer White Grey
  4. Layer Cold White


  1. Basecoat Black
  2. Highlights Deck Tan
  3. Edge highlights White Grey


  1. Basecoat Cold White
  2. Layer Medium Yellow
  3. Blend from Black to Medium Yellow


  1. Basecoat Red Leather



  1. Basecoat Red Leather
  2. Layer Light Flesh
  3. Wash 1x Wood Grain + 2x Lahmian Medium
  4. Wet blend from Light Flesh to Wood Grain
  5. Highlights 1x Light Flesh + 1x Medium Yellow + 3x Lahmian Medium
  6. Glaze 3x Lahmian Medium + 1x Violet

Black clothes

  1. Basecoat Black
  2. Glaze 2x Lahmian Medium + 1x Black
  3. Highliths 2x Black + 1x White Grey


  1. Basecoat Cold White
  2. Blend from Black to Cold White
  3. Glaze with 3x Lahmian Medium and 1x Natural Steel
  4. Lining with Dark Grey
  5. Edge highlights with Cold White
  6. Glaze with 3x Lahmian Medium , 1x Luftwaffe Uniform WWII ,1x Wolf Grey


  1. Basecoat with Cold White
  2. Layer with Medium Yellow
  3. Wet blend from Wood Grain to Medium Yellow
  4. Edge highlights with White Grey
  5. White dots with Cold White


  1. Trim Red Leather
  2. Big stones with Black + Cold White and then a dry brush with Deck Tan
  3. Wash with 2x Wood Grain , 6x Lahmian Medium and 2x water
  4. Final drybrush with Deck Tan
  5. Citadel light green static grass
Citadel Painting System 2
Shade 1
  • Agrax Earthshade
Technical 1
  • Lahmian Medium
Vallejo Game Color
Base 1
  • 72.047 Wolf Grey
Vallejo Model Air
Base 2
  • 71.002 Medium Yellow
  • 71.119 White Grey
Vallejo Model Color 10
Base 7
  • 70.816 Luftwaffe Uniform WWII
  • 70.818 Red Leather
  • 70.919 Cold White
  • 70.928 Light Flesh
  • 70.950 Black
  • 70.960 Violet
  • 70.986 Deck Tan
Metallic 1
  • 70.864 Natural Steel
Transparent 2
  • 70.828 Wood Grain
  • 70.939 Smoke
Vallejo Model Wash
Base 1
  • 76.517 Dark Grey
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