Found 155 recipes
Folk seem to really enjoy the colour of the armour plating of my Tau Kill Team, so I thought I'd share my method. Enjoy!
Color Scheme for Farsight Enclaves
Dirty and grimy Tau
I have really enjoyed painting with this lighter leather recipe recently. Here, I detail two slightly different ways of painting it, depending upon your style or level of dedication.
I think both look pretty great, personally.
Based on GW Tutorial recipe
Very simple Tau scheme
Basic colour scheme for T'au units
Here is the method I went with to get my Biel-Tan Guardian Defenders painted up quickly, but to a decent standard. The white armour is something I stunmbled upon idependantly, but the credit for the helmet goes to
Wiltrichs Miniature Art and his wonderful YouTube video "HOBBY BASIX: How To Paint Biel-Tan Aeldari Green Armour".