Based mostly on video linked in description
- Base spray with Chaos Black
Base layers
- Entire horse barding with Flesh Tearers Red
- Cover large (non edges) surfaces of barding with Abaddon Black
- Gore-grunta Fur for the all the skin of the horse, might need to apply twice
- Cover all the armour and shield of the knight with Mephiston Red
- Use Rhinox Hide for the leather straps and saddle parts, as well as little straps holding up the armour and such
- Use Retributor Armour on the gold accents (see box art), as a base layer
- For the bone and hooves of the horse, use a white like Corax White or Wraithbone
- Add a layer of Iron Warriors on the chainmail of the horse, and Leadbelcher on the main weapon and the various studs and rings on the mini.
Shading / Contrast
- Cover all the white bone with Skeleton Horde
- Add a layer of Agrax Earthshade on all the Retributor Armour gold parts.
- And for all the leather and horse skin, as well as al the Leadbelcher metals, cover with Nuln Oil
- For the chainmail done with Iron Warriors , add a layer of Skeleton Horde
- Cover all the knight's armour with Carroburg Crimson
Horse Barding
- Roughly highlight the horse barding with Khorne Red on all the edges
- Cover the sharpest edges and lines with Gryph-hound Orange
- Dot the sharpest tips and ridges with a tiny bit of Bestigor Flesh or a white such as White Scar
- Go back to Mephiston Red to bring back the colour on the bigger plates / areas. Leave the shade in the corners and shadows.
- Highlight with Evil Sunz Scarlet on even smaller areas and edges.
- Minor edge higlight with Wild Rider Red
- Go back to the gold ( Retributor Armour ) and once again bring back the colour on the bigger areas while avoiding the recesses.
- Highlight the gold with Liberator Gold . Mix with a white and do another tiny edge highlight for maximum effect.
- In the same way as the gold, bring back the colour on the leather parts with Rhinox Hide .
- Highlight both with Bugman's Glow or Gorthor Brown
- Mix Abaddon Black with Sybarite Green : and cover the lighter areas of the cape from the horse, the cape from the knight, the reigns, tail and horsemane.
- Add some more Sybarite Green to the mix and focus on the lighter parts again.
- Repeat previous step twice more, going more subtle each time.
- Add a pure edge highlight with undiluted Sybarite Green :
- Apply Iron Warriors : to bring back the metallic colour on the various metal parts.
- Highlight these metals with Stormhost Silver and highlight the chainmail with Liberator Gold
- Reapply the chosen base colour of the bone as a highlight.